With more than 175 million U.S. adults affected by gum disease, newer laser-assisted surgical methods have essential advantages over painful traditional cut-and-sew periodontal surgery. Farber Center is pleased to offer the LANAP protocol as part of its goal to provide the most effective periodontal surgery Long Island has available.
LANAP laser gum surgery is faster, more productive, and most importantly, less painful than earlier methods. If you need gum surgery now or soon, consider these five significant benefits offered by treatment with the patented PerioLase MVP-7 available at Farber Center.
#1 – New Bone Growth and Gum Tissue Reattachment
FDA-cleared LAR (Laser-Assisted Regeneration) surgery is a modern, highly effective gum disease treatment that treats the sources of harmful inflammation without harming healthy gum tissue nearby. Therefore it is one of the most successful protocols in treating gum disease and is the only one resulting in actual periodontal regeneration – which means stimulating new bone growth and gum tissue reattachment. The LANAP protocol is achieved only with the PerioLase MVP-7 and will allow your body to recover from chronic gum infection and disease without scalpels nor sutures.
#2 – Less Pain and Downtime After Treatment
LANAP laser periodontal surgery is less invasive and less painful. The original motto developed by the laser’s pioneers is “no cut, no-sew, no fear.” Thousands of patients have undergone treatment successfully and have felt less pain and anxiety. They also have returned to work and life sooner than with traditional surgery that leaves behind sutures and much longer-term discomfort. Benefits to the patient are one of the guiding principles at Farber Center. As a result, we proudly offer advanced treatment modalities that are state-of-the-art and benefit patients significantly.
#3 – Less Bleeding, Sensitivity, and Swelling
Because laser treatment for periodontitis is less invasive – which we mentioned earlier means no cutting nor stitches – it produces fewer uncomfortable after-effects. Not only is less perceived pain an advantage but also your appearance post-surgery will be better. With less noticeable swelling, your return to work and daily life will be more pleasant, and because there is less sensitivity, you’ll be getting back to your routine more quickly and comfortably. During and shortly after surgical treatment, less bleeding also makes your experience as a patient more pleasant.
#4 –Targeted Bacteria Removal
Low-grade infections of the gums are cleared as laser surgery vaporizes harmful bacteria as a natural part of your treatment. Besides, the LANAP procedure also results in fewer post-operative infections, which is another significant advantage. Among holistic dentists in Long Island, Dr. Farber is a leading advocate of the importance of oral-systemic health to whole-body health. Your gums and mouth interact with many other major organs and systems in the body, including your heart, circulatory, and immune systems. Reducing bacteria and infections in the mouth make you healthier overall.
#5 – Meaningful Increase in Pocket Height
When your gums are infected, they recede, including the area close to each tooth which is known as a pocket. Long-term or more severe periodontitis means that the depth of these pockets increases as you lose gum tissue, threatening teeth, and your oral health in general. Because of its regenerating abilities, LANAP laser surgery with the PerioLase MVP-7 can reduce pocket depth as healthy, new tissue is stimulated to grow. In this case, the laser works hand-in-hand with the body, stimulating its potential to heal and grow new tissue. It is another important additional benefit not offered by traditional cut-and-sew gum surgery.
So, if you’ve been advised to have periodontal surgery and have been putting it off, make sure to find out more about the many benefits offered by the LANAP procedure. And if you are thinking about getting laser gum surgery with another Long Island dentist, make sure they use the LANAP from Millenium Dental Technologies, the only laser that is FDA approved to regrow bone. As one of the best Long Island periodontists, Farber Center is a leader in laser gum surgery and treatments, with thousands of patients helped each year. Dr. Farber entered practice with the number-one goal of saving teeth and offering a full complement of advanced periodontal services that are safe, comfortable, and effective. You owe it to yourself to find out more about LANAP and how it can help you improve your oral health today.
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