Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants

7 Early Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Are You Doing Self Check-Ups of Your Gums and Teeth?

Long Island NY periodontists for gum surgeryGum disease is a severe condition that can cause tooth loss. It also can include low-grade infections affecting other areas of your body including the cardiovascular system and central nervous system. All good dentists and dental hygienists will check your oral health during check-ups and refer you to a periodontist at the first sign of symptoms. But it’s also vital to do self-checks and be alert to any warning signs. Patient education is an essential priority for the doctors and hygienists at Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants in Long Island. The Center’s mission is to save teeth and when keeping them is not possible to replace them with comfortable, great-looking implants or other alternatives. Even if you only slightly suspect there might be a change in your oral health that could indicate periodontal disease, bring it up immediately with your oral care provider.

7 Early Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease:

Discomfort in your mouth including tender, swollen or red gums
Receding gums or separation from teeth – making your teeth appear longer
Bleeding when you brush, floss, or chew firm foods
Bad breath that won’t go away
Teeth that are loose or separating
Visible signs of infection such as pus between your teeth
Noticeable changes to your bite or the way bridges/dentures fit Read the rest of this entry »

Gingivitis Treatment with Lasers is Highly Effective


Laser Pocket Disinfection | Find Out How it Can Help You

Gingivitis is a common kind of periodontal disease. Symptoms of gingivitis disease include puffy and red gums, that can bleed easily when brushing teeth.
Nearly all of us have heard the medical term gingivitis – which is a form of gum disease that causes inflamed gums including irritation, redness, and swelling. For anyone affected by gingivitis, Laser Pocket Disinfection (LPD) is a state-of-the-art treatment that offers substantial benefits. Better still, it is painless and takes only 10-15 minutes. Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants in Long Island provides this procedure with the PerioLase MVP-7, the only laser cleared by the FDA to regenerate jawbone and reattach gums.

Millions and even billions of bacteria can reside in each inflamed periodontal pocket. During LPD, the laser is directed at affected pockets, and within seconds nearly all bacteria are eradicated. It reduces inflammation of the gums; it can save teeth, prevent bone loss and even reduce bad breath. Sometimes referred to as laser cleaning, LPD is a treatment to patients who need it in addition to their routine preventive cleanings and periodic deep cleanings. Because oral health and circulatory system health are connected, this procedure reduces the number of bacteria that can be introduced into your bloodstream.

Is LPD Safe Around Crowns, Implants and Other Dental Work?

Yes, it is safe around teeth, gums and all forms of dental work. Laser Pocket Disinfection is an essential treatment for patients with gingivitis and because it kills bacteria and toxins associated with periodontal disease. Dr. Farber also likes to remind patients that this is a vital addition to your dental cleaning regimen and does not replace other procedures. Preserving teeth, promoting healthy gums and slowing or stopping bone loss are all among the potential benefits. Having better breath, as a result, will also be a nice secondary benefit for you and your loved ones.

Periodontal laser treatment like LPD also creates what is referred to as a biostimulation effect. As lasers are directed to specific areas of the mouth, they stimulate the body’s healing processes. It is undoubtedly the case with the periodontal pockets as they are cleaned and disinfected meaning that the benefits of your treatment will occur long after it is finished. Healing inflamed gum tissue and stopping bone loss are significant improvements to our oral health, and their beneficial effects also extend to other areas of the body.

LPD Improves Oral Health Which Is Important to a Healthy Body Overall

Various forms of periodontal disease, including the gingivitis treated by Laser Pocket Disinfection, have significant implications for your overall health. Farber Center practices holistic dentistry, and Dr. Farber is a member of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. Periodontal treatment including LPD can have beneficial impacts on the central nervous system, circulatory system, heart, and immune system as they reduce bacteria present in the body and help clear low-grade infections. Preventing the progression of gum disease can avoid health concerns linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, pre-term birth, certain cancers and more.

Most important is a personalized approach that includes evaluation and a customized treatment plan for you which may consist of Laser Pocket Disinfection. If you’re someone who is apprehensive about dental and periodontal treatment, keep in mind this procedure is free from discomfort and takes only about 10 minutes. It is highly effective against millions of bacteria that can be present in periodontal pockets and each the laser cleaning and disinfection takes place; they are cleaned and cleared immediately. When combined with routine and deep cleanings, LPD adds a layer of care for those affected by gingivitis and the periodontal disease it can cause. Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants has two convenient dentist offices located in Medford NY and Hauppauge, NY, and has flexible appointment hours depending on your schedule. Our mission is to save your teeth, and LPD can be an essential part of an effective treatment program.

Holistic Dentistry with The Farber Center

Holistic dentistry and periodontics treat tooth and gum problems with a whole-body approach.

Holistic dentistry or holistic periodontics follows the premise that each limb or body part shares a connection. The premise might not shock you, as all body parts share connections within the human body. In fact, many of us have been singing about it since childhood (the thigh bone’s connected to the knee bone, etc.).  While some may shy away from words like “holistic,” as it may conjure ideas of alternative medicine, The Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants recognizes the importance of the body’s interconnectivity.  As a matter of fact, why don’t we explain why it is so crucial!

Holistic Dentistry and the Mouth-Body Connection

As science evolves, we are learning more about the connections between oral health and the central nervous system, heart, circulatory system, immune systems, as well as many other body parts. The scientific community is beginning to confirm that even chronic low-grade infections in the mouth (e.g., gingivitis or periodontal disease) can have a significant effect on the entire body. Furthermore, even conditions like sleep apnea, TMD, or headaches can be the result of underlying dental issues. The connection between oral health and the rest of the human body highlights the importance of preventing and treating oral disease. If you find new or worsening body aches, there may be an infection in your body. We certainly recommend you visit your general practitioner as well as a periodontist or dentist for an examination.

Dr. Farber and the Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants are fully committed to the mouth-body connection. Our ceramic dental implants are non-metallic, using zirconia in its place. The replacement of common metals with zirconia can remove the chance of corrosion within your mouth and remove metal allergies. (We should mention in there are cases where the doctor may need to use titanium.)

To speak with a member of the Farber Center, call 800.616.7010 or complete our contact form here: https://longislandperio.com/contact/. Taking a big stride to improve your health doesn’t have to be an ordeal, it might be as simple as making a commitment to brushing your teeth and flossing. Small steps can make a big difference!

Is Periodontal Disease Contagious?

Periodontal disease warning signs include inflamed and receding gumsThroughout the years, the Farber Center blog has tried to keep you informed about the dangers of periodontal disease. Proper oral hygiene is, obviously, the most important step that you can take to avoid the complications that come along with gum disease. You might be asking, “well, is periodontal disease contagious?” No, not technically but there might be a little more to it than that!

What Do Experts Say Causes Periodontal Disease?

Taken directly from Perio.org—the official website for the American Academy of Periodontology:

“Research has shown that periodontal disease is caused by the inflammatory reaction to bacteria under the gums, so periodontal disease technically may not be contagious. However, the bacteria that cause the inflammatory reaction can be spread through saliva.”

While they feel that technically periodontal disease is not contagious, they continue to state the bacteria can transfer from one person to another.

Wait, so is Periodontal Disease Contagious?

We know their answer can be confusing but if the bacterium that causes the reaction can transfer from person to person, then you should be careful. There is a slightly increased chance of getting gum disease if your partner already has it. Children with parents who have periodontal disease are also at a slightly higher risk of receiving it themselves.

Ways to Spread the Bacteria

Sharing utensils like forks or spoons can transfer saliva from one person to another, as can kissing. We would never recommend sharing a toothbrush; they too can pass active bacteria from one person to another.

What to Do If I Have Periodontal Disease?

As mentioned above, try to avoid sharing utensils or tools that can spread the bacteria. You certainly don’t require quarantine but as a courtesy to family or partners, you should be careful. Curing periodontal disease isn’t the uphill battle it used to be. With regular visits to the Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants and proper oral hygiene, you can get back to your regular life pretty quickly! For more information about our practice or to speak with someone here you can call 800.616.7010 or visit our website and complete our contact form.

Eating with All on 4

If you read our most recent blog post, you are aware of the many advantages that come with All on 4 permanent dentures. The process is truly revolutionizing the world of dental implants, allowing people to receive a beautiful uniform set of teeth. The Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants believes it is important for patients to be knowledgeable about the procedures we offer. Knowledge is power, and as a patient, we want to make sure you feel in charge. Many patients who inquire about the procedure want to know more about Eating with All on 4, so we thought it would make for a great topic!

Eating with All on 4

Post Procedure

Immediately after the surgery, as you might expect, most people aren’t particularly hungry. Chances are you will be on medication, and your diet will be very simple.

For the first six days after getting All-on-4 dental implants, it is recommended that a patient sticks to soft, cold foods. Soft food is suggested to minimize the chance of food particles getting trapped and contaminating the wound. Extremely hot food or drink should be avoided as well to ensure the incisions are not agitated. After each meal, a patient should thoroughly rinse their mouth with mouthwash prescribed by the doctor.

Things to Avoid

  • Avoid food like popcorn, seeds (sesame, poppy, seeded fruit, etc.); as they can become stuck and lead to an infection.
  • Avoid using a straw for the first week or so; as the straw may dislodge a blood clot and delay healing.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking will also delay healing and interfere with regeneration.

After the Initial Period

The healing process differs for each person, as such it is difficult for us to give an exact timeframe for when you can return to eating normally. When speaking with Dr. Farber or any Farber Center periodontist, don’t be afraid to ask questions. We are here to help! For more information visit our website: Farber Center in Long Island or call 800.616.7010.

The Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants | A Newer Alternative to Traditional Dentures

If you are unfamiliar with All-on-4 dental implants in Long Island, they are a newer option that has dramatically expanded the number of people who can consider implants. It’s because All-on-4 can replace an entire row of teeth with only four dental implants. This method reduces the cost of replacing many teeth with implants and often eliminates the need for bone grafting.

With more than 35 million people in the United States missing all of their upper or lower teeth, this new tooth replacement option gives many people a reason to smile. Farber Center in Medford and Hauppauge, NY, is proud to offer patients this procedure, which can be beneficial and cost-effective compared to other alternatives. We genuinely strive to provide the most effective All-on-4 Long island has available.

What is All-on-4 Exactly?

The latest dental implant innovation requires minor surgery to insert four titanium implants into either the upper or lower jawbone. Titanium is used because of its unique ability to fuse to living bone. These implants then serve as the anchors for a beautiful row replacement teeth attached above.

All On-4 tooth replacement available for Suffolk and Nassau Counties in New York.

With the All On-4 procedures we can replace an entire row of teeth

What are the Advantages of This Procedure Versus Others?

  • Requiring only four screws means that each tooth does not need its own implant, saving you time and money;
  • Fusing to the living bone means it will gradually become part of your jaw — the four implants will hold firm and help ensure there is no future bone loss in the jaw;
  • Restoring a firmer bite means you will again be able to bite into crunchy foods you love with less anxiety and inconvenience; and,
  • Moving away from the many complications of traditional dentures including a weak bite, slippage, the need to apply adhesives

Is the All-on-4 Procedure Right for You?

If All-on-4 sounds right for you, call The Farber Center 631.265.4442 for our Hauppauge office or 631.758.3700 for Medford. After scheduling a consultation, we will advise you and get you ready to smile again. In Long Island, All-on-4 from Farber Center is an increasingly popular tooth replacement option — many of your friends and neighbors are already enjoying its benefits.  If you’re struggling with dentures or have been putting off having diseased teeth extracted and replaced, don’t delay.  There truly is a better option available for you to consider.

Using Your Insurance Payouts – Use it or Lost it!

Dental insurance covered needed expenses at the dentist to keep your teeth healthy.Believe it or not, you could be losing hundreds of dollars this year. The reason is simple: each year your dental benefits do not roll over. Although the amount of money your insurance plan offers depends on the company, all companies do not honor unused benefits. Our advice? Use them while you still can.

Here are the key insurance-related factors:

1. Deductibles

A deductible is the amount of money you must pay your dentist out pocket before your insurance company will pay for any services. No matter how much this number is – the average is $50 a year – your deductible starts again when your plan rolls over on January 1st. To avoid paying out your deductible right away, make your appointment before the New Year.

2. Premiums

Using your benefits is even more financially effective if you are paying premiums. Even if you’re not ready for a major dental procedure, you can still utilize your insurance for an exam or one of our periodontal maintenance cleanings or other periodontal services.

3. Worsening Dental Conditions

Since serious dental conditions can worsen over time, avoiding treatment puts you at risk for more extensive and expensive treatment in the future.

The Bottom Line

Whether you have insurance benefits remaining or if you have funds set aside in a flexible spending account or healthcare saving account – now is the time to schedule treatment so your co-payment can be applied to this year’s deductions. Call us today or visit FarberCenter.com today to schedule your appointment!


6 Ways to Strengthen Your Bite

how to strengthen brittle teeth

Your bite determines whether you’re reaching for an apple or a smoothie. Although both are delicious, you may want that crunch sensation of a whole apple. So what do you do when your teeth aren’t strong enough to take a bite?

While dental implants may, in fact, be necessary to correct your bite strength, there are a few things you can do to strengthen it in the meantime:

1. Keep Chewing Crisp Veggies

Known as “chewing foods,” fruits and vegetables like raw carrots, celery, cauliflower, green beans and snap peas. Crunching down on these not only automatically cleans your teeth, but they provide practice for your jaw to keep your bite going a little longer. While fruit may seem like a good option, it’s best in moderation due to high sugar levels, which linger long after you’re finished eating and cause decay.

2. Chew Sugarless Gum to Strengthen Your Bite

Similar to chewing on vegetables, sugarless gum automatically is good practice for your jaw and will help strengthen your bite. Additionally chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after meals can help prevent tooth decay, according to the American Dental Association (ADA).

Strong teeth and a strong bite are signs of good heal and following a proper dental care routine

3. Give Up Tobacco Products

According to research, 16 percent of smokers have poor dental health. That’s four times the rate of people who have never smoked. Smoking will do nothing but weaken your bite, teeth, and gums. Smokers develop bacterial plaque that causes gum disease and can result in tooth loss. Tooth decay will leave you without much bite at all.

4. Follow a Consistent Oral Care Routine

Although you’ve heard it many times it’s still the best way to ensure you’re taking care of your mouth – brush, and floss! Brush after every meal for at least two minutes and floss daily. Killing bacteria and getting food particles out will help prevent tooth decay and ultimately help strengthen your bite.

5. Stop Grinding

Some people grind their teeth when they’re angry or stressed. Others grind them in their sleep. No matter the reason, grinding your teeth isn’t doing your bite any favors. This condition, known as bruxism. Bruxism causes mouth pain, headaches, sleep interruption, and loose, chipped, and fractured teeth. Consider buying a moth guard wear at night. If you grind from anxiety you can try vitamins and herbal supplements believed to have a calming effect.

6. Visit Your Dentist/Periodontist Regularly

At Farber Center, we’re here to help you with every aspect of your oral health whether it be hygiene, surgery, or referrals. If your bite isn’t as strong as it could be, call us at 800.616.7010 to make an appointment. We’ll discuss your options and give you even more information about improving your bite.

Restoring Smiles & Changing Lives with Personalized Care and Exceptional Results

Call us with any questions or to make an appointment.

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10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Mouth

Chances are, you use your mouth for the majority of your day. Most of us go through our daily morning routine without giving much thought to what is going on in our mouths. Sure we brush our teeth and floss, but what’s really going on in there? Here are 10 facts you may not know:

1. Saliva Helps You Taste

Without all that saliva in your mouth, you wouldn’t be able to taste a thing. In order for food to have taste, chemicals from the food must first dissolve in saliva. Once dissolved, the chemicals can be detected by receptors on taste buds.

Bonus fact: we produce about 37,854 liters of saliva during our lives – enough to fill two swimming pools.

2. Close Your Mouth While Swimming

Strong tooth enamel helps prevent cavities and tooth decay

Following this guideline will help keep your mouth in tip-top shape since chlorine breaks down enamel.

3. Tooth Enamel is Hard

The enamel on the surfaces of your teeth is the hardest substance in your whole body. In order to protect that enamel, avoid acidic foods, chew sugar-free gum, and finish a meal with a glass of milk or a piece of cheese. Our Farber Center hygienists can give you additional methods of protecting your enamel and your entire mouth.

4. Teeth Are Alive

Your teeth have their own blood supply and nerves, which is why a tooth can actually die. A tooth that is knocked out dies within 15 minutes. Farber Center provides a wide array of services to extract and replace those dead teeth.

5. Your Tongue Has Super Stamina

While many believe the tongue to be the strongest muscle in the body, this is not a reality. However, your tongue still displays super stamina, says Maureen Stone, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. “When’s the last time your tongue was tired?” she asks. “If you don’t have any disorders, the answer is probably never.” Stone says the tongue’s tenacity springs from the way it is built—with lots of similar bits of muscle that can each perform the same task. “It doesn’t fatigue,” she says, “because there’s a lot of redundancy in the muscle architecture. You simply activate different muscle fibers and get the same result.”

Additionally, the tongue is the only muscle in the human body that works without any support from the skeleton.

6. Your Dominant Hand Dictates Your Chewing Habits

If you’re right handed, you tend to chew your food on your right side. If you’re left-handed, you favor chewing on your left side.

7. You Spend More Than a Month Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth thoroughly is very important.An average person spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth over the course of their lifetime.

8. Smiling Helps You Live Longer

Every time you smile, your body produces greater amounts of antibodies, giving you an immunity boost.

9. Your Mouth is Bacteria Central

Oral hygiene is important to prevent gum disease when you get older.The inside of your mouth contains as many bacteria as there are people on Earth. This is why brushing, flossing and using mouthwash is so important. 

10. A Healthy Mouth = A Healthy Body

At Farber Center, we follow the total body health philosophy, which dictates that your oral health impacts your health as a whole. Many diseases are linked to oral health including heart disease, psoriasis, diabetes, and osteoporosis – to name a few.

For more information about your oral health continue to check our blog for updates as well as our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Restoring Smiles & Changing Lives with Personalized Care and Exceptional Results

Call us with any questions or to make an appointment.

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Dental Implant Surgery has a High Success Rate – Do Your Teeth Need to be Replaced?

Dental implants are a permanent restoration for lost teeth.

In this picture, you can see the crown, the abutment, and the dental implant at the bottom.

Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants knows that as we age proper tooth maintenance can become difficult. If you are missing a tooth or an arch of teeth and have read our blog post on “Increased Tooth Loss for Senior Citizens,” you already know you are not alone. Luckily, if you are unhappy with your smile or having difficulties with conventional dentures, there is a procedure called All-on-4 implant-supported dentures that can help. We want to help our patients understand the procedures we offer so you can better understand how we can help you! In this blog post, we will quickly explain dental implants and even some dental implant problems that could arise.

What are Dental Implants and How Do They Work?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, similar in shape to a screw. When placed in your jawbone, they attach to the natural bone. They become a base for supporting artificial teeth, called crowns. Crowns are explicitly crafted to match your natural teeth and fit in your mouth. If you need all of your upper or lower teeth replaced, we have the most convenient to schedule All-on-4 Long Island has to offer — also known as 1-Day-Smile. It’s an ideal alternative to regular dentures and gives you a firm bite to eat all the foods you love.

After the screw is installed an abutment (like a connector) is placed atop the implant to support the crown.

When installed by an experienced dental implant specialist, like Farber Center, a dental implant is one of the safest procedures in periodontics. Placement within the gums is one of the more difficult steps in the process. Seeing a periodontist for your dental implants is advisable because they specialize in conditions affecting the gums.

Do Implants Have a High Rate of Success?

According to Web M.D. dental implants, in general, have a success rate of up to 98%. Even with such a high percentage success rate, there is still 2% of cases that end with a complication.  Fortunately, many of the issues that complicate dental implants are quickly resolved. We recommend visiting a practice that you trust and is well-reviewed, like Farber Center.

If you’ve had an infected implant, we are proud to provide the LAPIP procedure (Laser-Assisted Peri-Implant Procedure) which can resolve the infection and reattach your gum to the implant and its crowd. Less invasive than conventional methods, it has a high success rate and can help your implants last a long time. Also, if you’re frustrated with a traditional denture that slips, our All-on-Four dental implants offer a highly effective new alternative. We are among leading providers of many state-of-the-art tooth implant procedures to save or replace teeth.

Our holistic dental practice is patient-centered, and we are pleased to answer questions about any of our procedures. If you want to replace an old denture or an entire row of teeth and are in Long Island, All-on-4 is available at our dentist offices in Medford NY and Hauppauge, NY. To schedule an appointment, call The Farber Center at (631) 265-4442 or (631) 758-3700 or contact us here.

Dental implants replace missing teeth. Long Island dental implants near me.

The Farber Center prevents and replaces missing teeth.